December 15, 2022
Abbotsford Superstore Members “Can” Make a Difference

As a long-time UFCW Local 247 Shop Steward, Sinead Wilson knows that building a strong union depends on members getting active in their stores. After participating in her first-ever BC Federation of Labour Convention in November 2022, Sinead was ready to get to work.

“I went back to the store inspired,” said Sinead in an email to her Union Representative. “I started talking to my coworkers about how this is ‘our’ union, not ‘the’ union. I wanted to encourage members to take our own initiative and try working together to make a difference.”

With the holiday season and the economic situation being what it is this year, Sinead identified a simple food bank drive among her fellow UFCW members as a quick way to get things going in her store.

“I came up with the idea that we ‘can’ make a difference if we do something together,” said Sinead. “If each of us were to donate one can or item of food, individually, it doesn’t seem like a lot. But when we put all of that together, we have a shopping cart of food that does make a difference. That’s also what working as a union can do.”

Members in the store loved the idea and immediately got to gathering donations for the local community foodbank. It was a simple, achievable, and practical goal. In just a few days, union members in Abbotsford filled a cart with food and felt stronger for having done something together.      

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What would you like to do to engage your coworkers and help build solidarity in your workplace?

To share your ideas or experiences, contact your Union Representative  or our Local's Engagement & Education Coordinator, Ximena Mastrodonato.