August 31, 2022
Labour Day 2022: Renewed Purpose, Shared Responsibility

Toronto – August 31, 2022 – Labour Day 2022 provides us with an opportunity to celebrate our victories and advance a collective effort to improve the lives of all workers. If the current pandemic has taught us anything it is the importance of coming together to forge a better future.

Through our collective efforts we have strengthened the call for a progressive recovery that supports people and invests in Canadian workers. From paid sick days, to pharmacare and universal child dental care the labour movement has been out front on the issues that matter most to Canadians.

As Canadians tackle with soaring costs of living and the continued uncertainty presented by the pandemic it is crucial that the labour movement continue to organize around issues of economic security, fair wages and a robust recovery. As the income gap widens between the wealthy and the rest of society, labour day is a reminder of what our shared purpose can accomplish and provides a roadmap to achieving equity and fairness.

As we celebrate Labour Day 2022, arm-in-arm and shoulder to shoulder for the first time in three years, let us take this opportunity to renew our commitment to securing a future where the people who are truly essential to our collective well-being are recognized for their valiant contributions and reciprocated accordingly.  

Happy Labour Day 2022!