April 07, 2022
Single-step Union Certification Coming to B.C.

BC NDP’s Ministry of Labour Harry Bains has introduced an ammendment to Bill 10 of the Labour Relations Code which will ensure single-step certification when at least 55% of the employees in a workplace sign a union support card.

This is an impressive step forward for workers' rights with BC returning to a system that certifies the workers’ choice to join or form a union when at least 55% of a workplace’s employees sign union cards saying they wish to do so.

Often through Union organizing drives, we hear of stories where employers intimidate and pressure workers with “information meetings”, promise of change, or threaten to close their business.

This change will create a card check system and reduce the ability for employers to intimidate employees out of joining a union. The detailed government announcement is available here.

Are you a non-unionized worker interested in unionizing your workplace? You can start by contacting a UFCW 247 organizer (in complete confidence) here.