November 17, 2022
BC Tree Fruits Plant Closure – Winfield Plant

BC Tree Fruits Plant Closure – Winfield Plant

Notice was given by BC Tree Fruits to the members employed at the Winfield plant in the middle of August announcing a plant closure that will affect approximately 92 members. 

Under S54 of the BC Labour Relations Code, the Company and the Union started to discuss an adjustment plan and met at the end of August.  During this meeting, the Company indicated that a small group of employees would continue past the scheduled October 31 closure date.

At that time, BC Tree Fruits provided your Union with verbal assurances that they would provide their cooperation through this difficult time. 

Many members have worked at the Winfield plant for years with some having worked most of their adult lives at this location.  A lot of these employees also planned on retiring from the Winfield location.

However, by October 21st, there were still unanswered items that needed to be addressed by the Company and your Union immediately filed for Labour Adjustment Plan Mediation. The Labour Board appointed a mediator which applied pressure to the Company and subsequently some progress and answers were provided to your Union from the Company.

“It was unfortunate that the Union needed to file for Labour Adjustment Plan Mediation as members who have provided service deserve to be treated with respect and recognition for their contributions to the Company” said Elisca Long, Union Representative. “Members needed to get this information before the closure date and not pressed through mediation”

With this pressure, your Union has been successful in ensuring that the Company will do the right thing for our members.

Your Union is and will continue to work on issues that arise out of this closure.